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South Center for Testing and Certification of Film Technology Quality Inspection Institute Unveiled

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  • Time of issue:2021-03-25
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(Summary description)Recently, the opening ceremony of the Southern Center for Testing and Certification of the Film Technology Quality Inspection Institute was held in Shenzhen Dingjunshan Film Technology Industrial Park. At the ceremony, Zhang Wei, Director of the China Institute of Film Science and Technology and Director of the Film Technology Quality Inspection Institute of the Central Propaganda Department, Chen Jinhai, Executive Deputy Minister of the Propaganda Department of Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, and Zhou Xueliang, Director of the Propaganda Department of Shenzhen Baoan District Party Committee delivered speeches respectively to Dingjunshan Film Congratulations on the opening of the industrial park and the opening of the Southern Center for Testing and Certification of the Film Technology Quality Inspection Institute. Representatives of relevant institutions and enterprises participated in the event.

South Center for Testing and Certification of Film Technology Quality Inspection Institute Unveiled

(Summary description)Recently, the opening ceremony of the Southern Center for Testing and Certification of the Film Technology Quality Inspection Institute was held in Shenzhen Dingjunshan Film Technology Industrial Park. At the ceremony, Zhang Wei, Director of the China Institute of Film Science and Technology and Director of the Film Technology Quality Inspection Institute of the Central Propaganda Department, Chen Jinhai, Executive Deputy Minister of the Propaganda Department of Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, and Zhou Xueliang, Director of the Propaganda Department of Shenzhen Baoan District Party Committee delivered speeches respectively to Dingjunshan Film Congratulations on the opening of the industrial park and the opening of the Southern Center for Testing and Certification of the Film Technology Quality Inspection Institute. Representatives of relevant institutions and enterprises participated in the event.

  • Categories:Industry News
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  • Time of issue:2021-03-25
  • Views:0

近期,电影技术质量检测所检测认证南方中心揭牌仪式在深圳市定军山电影科技产业园举行。仪式上,中国电影科学技术研究所兼中央宣传部电影技术质量检测所所长张伟、深圳市委宣传部常务副部长陈金海、深圳市宝安区委宣传部部长周学良分别致辞,对定军山电影科技产业园开园和电影技术质量检测所检测认证南方中心揭牌表示祝贺。有关机构和企业代表参加了活动。         我国南方特别是粤港澳大湾区是数字电影产业发展的重要区域,是电影高新技术产品及设备研发和生产聚集地,产业及应用规模居全国首位,激光放映等新产品占据半壁江山,这些新技术产品在电影行业推广应用进程中,迫切需要行业内第三方检测认证机构提供权威技术检测和认证支撑。中央宣传部电影技术质量检测所,是中国电影行业唯一的国家级电影检测认证机构。         乐鱼作为影视文化高新技术设备研发和生产的代表企业之一,公司旗下拥有数十项产品技术专利,法国Volfoni和深圳时代华影分别是目前全球市场占有率第二、中国市场占有率第一的两大3D设备品牌。随着电影技术质量检测所检测认证南方中心落户深圳,乐鱼将会积极响应电影技术质量检测所检测认证南方中心的各项政策要求,共同推动粤港澳大湾区及南北方电影技术深度融合创新,促进新时代中国电影产业实现高质量可持续发展。


Recently, the opening ceremony of the Southern Center for Testing and Certification of the Film Technology Quality Inspection Institute was held in Shenzhen Dingjunshan Film Technology Industrial Park. At the ceremony, Zhang Wei, Director of the China Institute of Film Science and Technology and Director of the Film Technology Quality Inspection Institute of the Central Propaganda Department, Chen Jinhai, Executive Deputy Minister of the Propaganda Department of Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, and Zhou Xueliang, Director of the Propaganda Department of Shenzhen Baoan District Party Committee delivered speeches respectively to Dingjunshan Film Congratulations on the opening of the industrial park and the opening of the Southern Center for Testing and Certification of the Film Technology Quality Inspection Institute. Representatives of relevant institutions and enterprises participated in the event.


Southern my country, especially the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, is an important area for the development of the digital film industry. It is a gathering place for the development and production of high-tech film products and equipment. The scale of industry and application ranks first in the country. New products such as laser projection occupy half of the country. These new technologies In the process of product promotion and application in the film industry, there is an urgent need for third-party testing and certification agencies in the industry to provide authoritative technical testing and certification support. The Central Propaganda Department's Film Technology Quality Inspection Institute is the only national film inspection and certification agency in China's film industry.


Luxin-Rio is one of the representative enterprises in the research and development and production of high-tech equipment for film and television culture. The company owns dozens of product technology patents. France's Volfoni and Shenzhen Times China Film are currently the second in the global market share and the Chinese market share. The first two major 3D equipment brands. With the establishment of the Southern Center for Testing and Certification of the Film Technology Quality Inspection Institute in Shenzhen, Luxin-Rio will actively respond to the various policy requirements of the Southern Center for Testing and Certification of the Film Technology Quality Inspection Institute, and jointly promote the depth of film technology in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the southern and northern regions. Integration and innovation will promote the high-quality and sustainable development of China's film industry in the new era.

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South Center for Testing and Certification of Film Technology Quality Inspection Institute Unveiled

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